CS 210 – Visual Studio Project: You are doing a fantastic job at Chada Tech in your new role as a junior developer, and you exceeded expectations in your last assignment for Airgead Banking.

You are doing a fantastic job at Chada Tech in your new role as a junior developer, and you exceeded expectations in your last assignment for Airgead Banking. Since your team is impressed with your work, they have given you another, more complex assignment. Your task is to build an item-tracking program for the Corner … Read more

Explore alternative water sources and technologies that could enhance sustainability within quarries.

Explore alternative water sources and technologies that could enhance sustainability within quarries. This includes investigating alternative water sources’ feasibility and effectiveness, such as recycled, brackish, or desalinated water. Additionally, the study will evaluate innovative technologies that can reduce reliance on freshwater for mineral extraction, such as dry processing or advanced water treatment systems. The aim … Read more

Describe a Consultancy Data-led Brochure.

Hello, This is a consultancy data-led brochure project (equivalent to a 1000-word dissertation project). All the instructions are in the attached assignment brief document. This project has two parts. This is the second part. The first part was a presentation, and I will attach the presentation file so you can find some points and recommendations … Read more

Write a 5 page class paper which explains the democratic values, political values, social values, and administrative values as it pertains to the field of public administration in the United States.

Class Paper 5 Pages Writing Instructions: Please write a 5 page class paper which explains the democratic values, political values, social values, and administrative values as it pertains to the field of public administration in the United States? Then discuss how these values have changed in the last 20 years in relation to the last … Read more

Evaluate and analyze various forms of argument for rhetorical devices, fallacies, and possible pseudo-reasoning.

Week 7: Argument Presentation Instructions Instructions Course Objectives: • CO4: Evaluate and analyze various forms of argument for rhetorical devices, fallacies, and possible pseudo-reasoning. (Evaluate) • CO5: Create an argument free from logical errors. (Create) Descriiption: For this assignment, you will use MS PowerPoint to present your final argument utilizing one of the three forms … Read more

Complete a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats) Analysis of a private, government funded or non-profit hospital within your state.

Complete a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats) Analysis of a private, government funded or non-profit hospital within your state. You must analyze internal or external factors that could negatively affect or assist the organization with accomplishing their goals. Please begin the assignment by reviewing this week’s classroom lecture notes and locating a nearby hospital. … Read more

How to increase audience in niche sports and maintain sustainability? (case study on Olympic Shooting).

This will be the methodology section of my dissertation, with 4000 words, at least 35 references, and in-text citation (harvard style).The file under ‘Research Methods’ title, is to use the methodology section and the related references, and the file under the title of Dissertation Lit.Review’ is to guide on what methodology I want to include … Read more

Temporary Regulations: Describe temporary regulations and their legal requirements.

TAX 650 Module Two Activity Guidelines and Rubric Scenario The Treasury Department recently released proposed regulations regarding the transferability of tax credits. Your client is upset that these regulations are not favorable to his business and argues that he read an article in the Wall Street Journal that provides different guidance. Explain to the client … Read more