Touchpoint Reflection: Financial and Budgeting Principles: What areas of additional financial or budgeting data gathering have you identified as a need for your plan?

Reflection InformationExperience This week’s readings contained a great deal of information on financial and budgeting principles. Some of you may have had some familiarity with the concepts and maybe even experience in working with them. However, there is always something new to learn. Describe your prior experiences with financial and budgeting principles, whether personally or … Read more

Compare and contrast the approaches taken by H&M, Benetton and Zara to managing their supply chains.

Fast Fashion describes a business model of the textile trade in which the collection is constantly changing and the time from the latest designs of the fashion creators to mass production in the stores is greatly reduced. The constant change in the assortment and a shortened shelf life of the materials used should encourage customers … Read more

Explain How to Solve the Problem of EU Accession to the ECHR, Described in Decision CJEU 2/13.

The dissertation should be a little more up-to-date Results of the Reykyavik Summit should be incorporated – it is already set that the EU should acces the ECHR, so the problems and challanges of this sould be more outlined The „Recent interactions” are not so recent any more Boshphorus-case should be included ({%22fulltext%22:[%22Bosphorus%22],%22documentcollectionid2%22:[%22GRANDCHAMBER%22,%22CHAMBER%22],%22itemid%22:[%22001-69564%22]})Bosphorus-clause: as long … Read more

Discussion Thread: Coaching Models.

Discussion Thread: Coaching Models Even if someone is talking to a light pole, it is better that they are, at least, talking. But coaching is not just listening or telling. It is a unique approach utilized to allow the coachee (client) to grow. Why? Because they have the results inside of them – and coaches … Read more

Does acupuncture reduce the side effects of chemotherapy in breast cancer patients?

Research topic: Does acupuncture reduce the side effects of chemotherapy in breast cancer patients? USE:Quasi –Experimental Studies Involves an intervention but may lack randomization or a control group Intervention in the absence of randomization Example: Pretest and Posttest evaluation of groups that are non-equivalent groups because they were not randomly assigned to each group. The … Read more

Provide an example of a second messenger and its role in the cell.

G protein-coupled receptors Throughout this course you will have many opportunities to respond to other people’s opinions and comments by participating in the discussion. It is helpful to complete your reading prior to answering the discussion topics. Nearly half of all non-antibiotic prescriptions drugs target cell surface receptors called G protein-coupled receptors (Appling et al., … Read more