Discuss the presumption of innocence protects the fundamental liberty and human dignity of any and every person accused by the State of criminal conduct.

Ref: Oakes (1986) 50 CR (3d) 1 SCC at 15 per Dickson CJCritically discuss this statement addressing how presumptions (both statutory and commonlaw) may challenge this philosophy and also the impact on the burden of proof to be satisfied.Assessment one should be submitted by no later thanWord count of no more than 2,500 words can … Read more

What is the number one cookie company in the world?

What is the number one cookie company in the world? Unit Assignments Unit III Project Cookie Business Assignment objective: In this project, you will be opening your own specialty cookie company to see how product costing methods and changes in production affect business decisions. You will be creating a series of reports and analyzing the … Read more

What is the difference between a security update and other updates in the context of this conversation of automatic updates?

1. List the pros and cons of automatic updates.2. Why are automatic updates recommended for improving security?3. Why do system managers dislike automatic updates?4. State at least 2 reasons.5. What does rollback mean?6. How is it done?7. What bearing does rollback have on updates?8. Are updates used as an attack vector?9. How?10. Give at least … Read more

What communication strategies would you use to get doctors and nurses to acknowledge that it is essential for them to wear their PPE?

This morning, multiple cases of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) were identified in your hospital’s pediatric unit. RSV has the potential to spread very rapidly. The director of infection prevention met with the quality director, your manager, a few hours later. They decided to implement a quality initiative that was used by another hospital system last … Read more

Write about a specific Book or element, make sure that you are connecting your analysis of that Book or element to an overarching reading of the work as a whole.

Your 1st major assignment for this class will be to offer a thematic analysis of Homer’s The Odyssey as a whole, or of one specific Book of the work, or of one specific element of the work. If you choose to write about a specific Book or element, make sure that you are connecting your … Read more

Compare and contrast the Ban the Box law journal articles (Gubernick, L. (2017).

Compare and contrast the Ban the Box law journal articles (Gubernick, L. (2017). ERASING THE MARK OF CAIN: AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF BAN-THE-BOX LEGISLATION ON THE EMPLOYMENT OUTCOMES OF PEOPLE OF COLOR WITH CRIMINAL RECORDS. The Fordham Urban Law Journal, 44(4), 1153–1215 and Nina Kucharczyk (May, 2017). NOTE: THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX: … Read more

Identify whether the chiropractor in the case study violated the professional code of ethics.

Assessment Traits Requires Lopeswrite Assessment Descriiption The purpose of this assignment is to understand how ethics and the law affect a variety of health care professions. The ethical code for each profession demands a high level of honesty, integrity, and responsibility. Professional behavior facilitates the resolution of ethical dilemmas, and each health care professional should … Read more

What was the main message of this presentation?

This week, you will watch 3 Ted Talks on various nursing topics, and you will critique all three presentations. You will review the following: Presentation Style: you will write a review on how the presenter chose to present the information. Content: The information presented. Do you agree or disagree with their perspective? Message: What was … Read more