Explain why the flowchart was chosen, how it affected the problem if at all, how it may be revised, used, etc.

Please see my attached TO BE EDITED project portfolio.
This project doesn’t need a COMPLETE revision only minor editing details.

Professor is really hounding me about my formatting. Please assure all titles are formatted in TURABIAN STYLE FORMAT!

I am needing editing/proof reading on ONLY the highlighted RED text, the PEER REIEW section and ANALYSIS section as Ai was used for assistance and we do not want to sound too much like a robot.

The rest of the paper does not need ANY revision or editing EXCEPT for formatting titles and footnotes in correct turubian format – otherwse DO NOT TOUCH the content.

Four Turabian first-level headings in this order are required: Justification, Peer Review,
Implementation, and Analysis of the Micro-Project. Do not add other Turabian level 1
headings. (The exception to this is the Ministry Development Plan). Within the Implementation
section a few 2nd level Turabian headings may be appropriate if needed. Keep the number of
first-person pronouns (where permitted) in the paper to a handful (3-5). Strive for academic
writing; write about the project and less about yourself to accomplish this. Stated page counts are
maximums; strive to come as close to them as possible without exceeding them.
The cover page should not be numbered. Page numbers should be in the upper right corner,
starting with page 1. Each new major heading should begin as follows:
Justification – at the top of page 1
Peer Review – at the top of page 4
Implementation – at the top of page 7
Analysis of the Micro-Project – at the top of the next page after Implementation ends.

The Culmination phase is at least 20 pages but not more than 30 pages of
content, excluding a cover sheet, and bibliography. It must have these 4
major Turabian level 1 headings: Justification, Peer Review, Implementation,
Analysis of the Micro-Project. Justification includes your stated problem,
defense and information from your Justification for Selected Micro-Project
Assignment in narrated (not Q&A format) in 3 pages. The Peer Review
combines feedback from peers and the instructor, with selected brief quotes
that were impactful and explanation as to why in 3 pages (maximum). The
11-21 page Implementation section includes a hyperlink to the flowchart at
the beginning of the section, and narration of explanation on the research
done, the creation of the chart, other potential applications, and usefulness of
it as a way to resolve various ministry problems. The submission should
explain why the flowchart was chosen, how it affected the problem if at all,
how it may be revised, used, etc. The paper must end with a 3-page
(maximum) section discussion titled Analysis of the Micro-Project.

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