Implementing EBP into healthcare practice is essential to improve patient outcomes and safety (Cassidy et al., 2021, p. 103).

Research Statistics
Please respond to 1,2,3 on each section. 150 words reply to each one and include a question in the last paragraph of each reply. Also each reply (1,2,3) should have 1 peer-reviewed article within the past 5years under each reply. (6 references in total). Thank you!

1. As a CNO from a medium-sized hospital in Texas, I would ensure the staff is up to date with evidence-based practice interventions. Implementing EBP into healthcare practice is essential to improve patient outcomes and safety (Cassidy et al., 2021, p. 103). The PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act) model can be used to implement new safety guidelines. In the planning stage, a new guideline is identified, the do stage sees this new guideline tested, the study stage examines how successful is the new guideline, and the act stage identifies feedback and new steps that can be implemented to improve the guideline (Mukwato, 2020, p. 2). The PDSA model allows new guidelines to be implemented, studied, and assessed if successful. The PDSA model would allow the nursing leader to review and revise the EBP guideline implemented in every step, especially the last step. There are several strategies that nursing leaders can implement to encourage staff to keep implementing EBP. Nursing leaders can involve patients who consent and nurses in implementing new guidelines (Kitson et al., 2021, p. 2452).

2. Evidence-based practice (EBP) is clinical practice based on scientific evidence, and also a clinician’s expertise and a patient’s values and preferences. EBP integrates clinical epidemiology, biostatistics, research methods and informatics into health care. EBP implementation mainly involves four steps: first, framing a clear question based on a clinical problem; second, verifying relevant evidence from the literature; third, critically appraising the validity of contemporary research; and fourth, applying the findings to clinical decision-making. Several individual factors are associated with the implementation of EBP. In addition, as a new nurse CNO it’s important that I understand that clinical abilities of each staff member are associated with levels of clinical ladders. Here EBP becomes a critical skill to improve healthcare quality and safety of the patients. It is also important to understand the EBP levels of the clinical nurses that are positioned within their scope of practice.

3. As a new CNO of a medium-sized hospital in Texas, you want to make sure that every process in your hospital is up to date and evidence-based. (a) List all the steps that it takes to implement evidence-based practice in nursing.
When you look at a hospital organization through the perspective of the Chief Nursing Officer, to begin implementing any change, specifically process improvement or evidence-based practice implementation, is to assess the status of the organization. Pitsillidou et al. (2021) emphasize that finding the barriers to evidence-based practice implementation can serve as a guide to find effective solutions. With this research study in mind, I would begin by evaluating the current practices and gathering supportive metrics. Additionally, would be to create a culture of evidence-based practice, and to do this, each employee would be educated, through annual skills training, on the current evidence-based practices. Through structured education, the expectations would be clear to reference and follow evidence-based policies and procedures to maintain patient safety and quality care.

Organizational Behavior

1. Groupthink is a tendency to conform during the decision-making process for a variety of reasons whether it is peer-pressure or an assumption of others’ expertise. It can be due to some members of the group not feeling comfortable enough to express differing opinions in front of everyone. In order to mitigate groupthink in this scenario, DiPierro et al. (2022) suggest holding discussions in a safe, non-hierarchical setting. Other tactics include holding smaller group discussions to break up the cohesion, to employ a critical evaluator to challenge ideas, and to rotate roles among group members so that diverse leaders have a chance to emerge (Cleary et al., 2019).

2. You can be sure that Groupthink thrives in environments where there is little input or limited sources of information in problem solving situations. Close evaluation of a problem consists of identifying and assessing alternative solutions to a problem (Cleary & Sayers, 2019). Another key characteristic is when open debates are discouraged, and peer pressure is prevalent. Peer pressure can exist to ensure certain outcomes in decision making. When an environment is coercive and intimidating, Groupthink exists. If an employee is intimidated to speak up or speak openly providing honest feedback, then progress will be stifled.
There are practical ways to avoid Groupthink. One way to curb Groupthink tendencies or behaviors is for leaders to encourage discussion and openness in sharing diverse viewpoints. If this type of behavior is championed from those in charge, then it will be fostered from the top down. Additionally, a group member can be designated to play a devil’s advocate role in each discussion. To make it balanced, the role can be alternated amongst the group.

3. Groupthink is a phenomenon that occurs when the group may follow the majority opinion of the group (Priyanto & Wening, 2024). This is a psychological phenomenon that affects group decision making within the work place, and often takes place under dominant leadership. This model of decision making can lead to the group following decisions of the majority, even if illogical or not in the best interest of the group or organization. Overall Groupthink can negatively impact organizational strategies and affect outcomes for patients or customers (Cleary, 2019). Groupthink can be detected by staff agreeing with the larger consensus, and therefore censuring themselves, collective rationalism, and/or direct pressure for dissenting opinions to agree with the larger consensus.

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