What are the three main reasons some individuals select CAM therapies rather than traditional allopathic methods of healing?

Nahin, R., Dahlhamer, J., & Stussman, B. (2010). Health need and the use of alternative medicine among adults who do not use conventional medicine. BMC Health Services Research, 10(220). Retrieved from http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1472-6963-10-220.pdf This article attempts to understand the reasons that led some individuals to turn to CAM therapies rather than traditional allopathic methods of healing. The authors specifically wish to create a profile of the most likely candidates to use CAM therapies. Findings indicate that a wide variety of factors and attributes contribute to this decision. On the basis of your research and understanding on the topic, answer the following questions: What are the three main reasons some individuals select CAM therapies rather than traditional allopathic methods of healing? What would be the profile of the most likely candidates to use CAM therapies? What demographic is more prone to using CAM therapies? What possible reasons contribute to this disparity? How does this article contribute to the study of CAM practices? Do you see any outstanding benefits or detractions from the modality discussed in the article in contemporary wellness environments? Combine your responses in a Microsoft Word document. Your responses should be 4- to 5-pages long.

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