How does the business develop a suitable framework that can be implemented to address not only gender equality but different equality issues as societal values and focus change in the future?

Business Research Methods Assessment 2 – business Report / Research Proposal Primary Research Question: What are the critical attributes contributing to the low retention and attraction rates of suitable female employees? Sub-questions: 1. What strategies and frameworks can be implemented to improve the attraction and retention of experienced female employees in the company? 2. How does the business develop a suitable framework that can be implemented to address not only gender equality but different equality issues as societal values and focus change in the future? Using assessment task 2 instruction and assessment 1 as a reference point. Provide a research proposal (not doing the actual research itself at this stage). Method would be semi-structure interviews. Primary focus gender equality as it is the most pressing issues with a secondary aim to produce a framework through research that addresses any diversity/discrimination issue based on changes in societies focus/values over time. If possible, use Research Methods for Business Students 2018 Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill as a reference if you have access to it.

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