Artificial intelligence in your area of study or on one of the following: business, marketing, social media, e-commerce, or management E-commerce and online business Emerging technologies Information systems and decision making Enterprise software evaluations Outsourcing IT/IS Big data and business Data warehouses and data mining.

Each individual will select one of the following topics on which to develop a research report: Artificial intelligence in your area of study or on one of the following: business, marketing, social media, e-commerce, or management E-commerce and online business Emerging technologies Information systems and decision making Enterprise software evaluations Outsourcing IT/IS Big data and business Data warehouses and data mining Cloud computing Follow the current APA format guide for your report. Use spell check, grammar check, etc. to make sure that your report is written in professional form with no keyboarding or grammatical errors. The report should use the following guidelines: Five sources total – two (2) must be research-based articles through the library search Four (4) pages in length, not including cover and references Times New Roman, 12 point font 1” margins Double-spaced One (1) relevant and compelling figure, table, or chart Cover page Reference page My Submissions Part 1 Title Start Date Due Date Post Date Grades Available Mid-Term Research Paper – Part 1 27 Feb 2024 – 10:17 21 Jul 2024 – 23:59 22 Jul 2024 – 10:17 100 Summary: Each individual will select one of the following topics on which to develop a research report: Artificial intelligence in your area of study or on one of the following: business, marketing, social media, e-commerce, or management E-commerce and online business Emerging technologies Information systems and decision making Enterprise software evaluations Outsourcing IT/IS Big data and business Data warehouses and data mining Cloud computing Follow the current APA format guide for your report. Use spell check, grammar check, etc. to make sure that your report is written in professional form with no keyboarding or grammatical errors. The report should use the following guidelines: Five sources total – two (2) must be research-based articles through the library search Four (4) pages in length, not including cover and references Times New Roman, 12 point font 1” margins Double-spaced One (1) relevant and compelling figure, table, or chart Cover page Reference page

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