Select 4 anatomical structures in your anatomical region that can be imaged by cross-sectional imaging modalities (CT/MRI).

Students are required to submit an 800 word (+/- 10%) assignment with a review of literature relevant to anatomy that can be imaged by a cross sectional imaging modality. choose an anatomical region : The Thorax (Cardiovascular and Respiratory System) The Abdomen(Gastrointestinal Tract), The Pelvis(Male and Female Reproductive System),Abdomen / Pelvis (The Urinary System), The Central Nervous System (The Brain) select 4 anatomical structures in your anatomical region that can be imaged by cross-sectional imaging modalities (CT/MRI). provide a brief description of the modality used to image the anatomical structures. provide labelled images of the selected anatomical structures in all 3 anatomical slice planes (multiple images in each slice plane). provide a detailed description of the relationship the anatomical structures have to each other, both anatomical and physiological. This will include where the anatomical structures are situated, the function and how they are physiologically connected. Background: Choose an anatomical region and 4 anatomical structures from that region. Identify and describe the cross-sectional imaging modality used to image the anatomy. Include why that particular imaging modality was used and how the images were acquired eg. MRI pulse sequences, CT acquisition eg. dual energy, non contrast, arterial, delayed phase etc. Supply labelled images of your anatomical structures – minimum of 2 images from each slice plane (axial, coronal and sagittal). Be aware, that Part B of this assessment will be introducing a pathology that will affect your anatomical region and the anatomical structures. Choose wisely!! Introduction: Present your anatomical region and the 4 anatomical structures you are identifying. Provide a brief overview of the anatomical region and its broad function. Introduce the imaging modality used to image the structures etc. Conclusion: Summarise what you have researched. No new information should be added to the conclusion. IMPORTANT: Relate your discussion of the function of your anatomical region to the images you have provided. ease note: Your work must be referenced appropriately using APA system, including images, tables etc. You will need to cite from where you have sourced your cross-sectional images eg. with permission from ……………… Hospital. Use Endnote to manage your references Referencing Your assignment must use current and relevant literature. Excerpts from pamphlets, websites and unpublished sources eg. Stat Pearls etc. are not acceptable. You must include a reference list.

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