What specific role does Columbia Nursing play in your future plans?

Please address the following prompts, limiting your essay to two double spaced pages (12-point font and one inch margins) that are easily read. The essay will be evaluated on the basis of ability to follow instructions, writing/composition, clarity of thought and your There is an evolution taking place in health care that is redefining what it means to be an advanced practice nurse or nurse scientist. Recent changes in health care policy, the increase in chronic disease, and an aging population are a few of the major shifts placing advanced practice nurses at the forefront of health care. These changes are coupled with a national movement in nursing education to require nurses to be educated at increasingly higher levels. DNP Applicants: Why do you think it is important to have a doctoral degree as an advanced practice nurse and what attributes do you possess that you are able to bring to the specialty you are applying to? What specific role does Columbia Nursing play in your future plans? Assess your skills and how they will aid in your transition into becoming a Columbia Nursing graduate student?

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