Discuss why it is important to consider diversity, equity, and inclusion when conducting psychological studies.

Explain your passion and interest in psychology and how these relate to your previous personal and professional experiences. Provide contextual information someone else would need to know to fully understand your vision. This could include your previous personal and professional experiences related to your vision, any major influences that led you to psychology and your specialization, why your passions and interests in psychology are important to you, and any other relevant information to provide context for your vision.

Assessing the Value of Resources

In this section, discuss how you assessed the value of the resources you read and used when writing up this paper. Make sure to address the following:

Discuss why it is important to consider diversity, equity, and inclusion when conducting psychological studies.
When diverse populations are used in research groups how does that make the results more credible?
What role does critical thinking and ethics play when assessing the value of research used in your papers?
Role As a Multicultural Practitioner-Scholar

In this section, reflect on the information you read regarding the practitioner-scholar and scholar-practitioner models to answer the following:

Discuss critical thinking in relation to your role as a practitioner-scholar.
Explain what it will mean to you to be a multicultural practitioner-scholar and how the practitioner-scholar model can help guide you in developing the knowledge, skills, and competencies you will need to reach your professional vision and goals.

In this section, develop an inspiring descriiption of your future career vision as a multicultural psychology practitioner-scholar. Be sure to include a descriiption of your role and the individuals you wish to impact and the setting in which you would like to work.


Use this section to explain the benefits of achieving your future career vision and becoming a multicultural practitioner-scholar in the field of psychology and the importance and relevance of your vision and goals to your personal and professional aspirations. Also, describe how confident you are and committed to achieving your multicultural psychology practitioner-scholar vision. Think of this paragraph as a summary of important and relevant elements to motivate yourself to achieve your vision. Reference any supporting documents that helped you clarify or describe these elements.

Your completed assignment should include the following:

Title page.
Abstract: A concise summary of every main point in the paper.
Introduction: A concise overview of the paper’s content.
Body of paper:
Assessing the Value of Research.
Role As a Multicultural Practitioner-Scholar.
Conclusion: A concise summary of important points of the paper, explaining the benefits of achieving your future career vision and becoming an effective multicultural practitioner-scholar in the field of psychology.

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