How do an agency’s auspices and authority limit and guide what an agency does or has the “right” to do?

The agency is Ethos Treatment, LLC –

Reading assignment

Boddie, S. (2008). Faith-based agencies and social work. In T. Mizrahi, L. & Davis (Eds.), Encyclopedia of social work (pp. 169-174). Washington, DC: NASW Press.
Kirst-Ashman, K.K. & Hull Jr., J.H. (2009). The nature of organizations. Chapter 4 in Generalist Practice with Organizations and Communities (4th ed.), 118-119. Belmont, California: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.
Morley, J.E. (2008). Context and settings: Agency and organization in non-profit settings. In T. Mizrahi, L. & Davis (Eds.), Encyclopedia of social work (pp. 426-434). Washington, DC: NASW Press.
Poole, D.L. (2008). Voluntarism. In T. Mizrahi, L. & Davis (Eds.), Encyclopedia of social work (pp. 266-272). Washington, DC: NASW Press.

Terminology assignment- Social Work Dictionary

authority privatization
faith-based social services proprietary practice
nonprofit agencies proprietary social agencies
power proprietary social services
private practice sectarian services
private social agencies voluntary associations

Write in your journal the following (with attention to proper APA):
• Begin by listing the auspices of your agency by stating whether your agency is public or private; and if private, whether it is nonprofit or for profit/proprietary and sectarian or nonsectarian/faith-based) and why this is so.
o If your auspices have changed since the founding of the agency, please discuss these changes.
o If you received contradictory information (e.g., the agency is described as not being sectarian yet there are sectarian icons in the logo or sectarian language in the mission or goals) please discuss these nuances as well.
• Continue by answering the following questions (which you should number in your journal):
1. What are the sources of authority in your agency? “Authority” refers to that which gives an agency the right to do what it does—that is to carry out its mission and goals and regulates the agency (e.g., laws/legislation, regulation, license/certificate, contract, funder, and so forth). Briefly, explain these sources of authority.
2. How do an agency’s auspices and authority limit and guide what an agency does or has the “right” to do? In your agency setting, what impact could your auspices and sources of authority have on the clients? Are there any barriers that may arise within the helping process (e.g., a non-profit agency might not have adequate funding to provide a particular service, etc.)?
• Conclude by:
o asking a question(s) OR describing a new area of learning related to the readings/terms;
o sharing what interested you most about this topic from your agency research AND why.
• Add a list of “References” at the end.

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