Case study: A 64-year-old female presents to the clinic with back pain for the last 3 weeks.

Case study: A 64-year-old female presents to the clinic with back pain for the last 3 weeks. She reports that she has tried ibuprofen and Tylenol without relief of symptoms. The pain is a 5/10 and is sharp at times. She has noticed a reduction in her ability to perform ADLs. She denies any injury. She denies any burning with urination, numbness to lower extremities, or leg weakness. The patient has a history of osteoporosis and was prescribed calcium and vitamin D supplements along with Alendronate 10mg po daily. Patient is 5’6” and weighs 175 pounds. BP is 120/84, pulse is 80, resp 18, regular and non labored, pulse ox 95%, and temp 98.0F. Physical exam reveals no focal motor deficits, DTRs 1+, localized vertebral spinous process tenderness to L2. Xray: Vertebral compression fracture of L2 with anterior wedging of thoracic vertebrae.

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