Discuss World Wide Wild Designs is a new multi-national engineering and design firm that specializes in the design of artistic structural support systems.

Analyze the architecture described in the following case study. World Wide Wild Designs is a new multi-national engineering and design firm that specializes in the design of artistic structural support systems. The company is a merger of three small firms doing the same type of work in San Diego, Hong Kong, and London. These companies were free formed groups where the designers and engineers have chosen whatever hardware and software that they needed and just charged it to the company account. Connectivity was something that was handled individually with wireless broadband, DSL, Cable, or whatever was fast and cheap. Now that business has increased by a hundred times and employment is up to at least 100 employees at each site, everything needs to work together. The engineering world is noticing us and we have intellectual capital (IC) in which everybody is interested. All the engineers are afraid that someone is going to steal their designs. This problem stopped all work. Consultants were hired and an enterprise solution to W3D’s network was recommended and the engineers quickly put it together and were very happy with the new connectivity and efficiency of the new enterprise network. The W3D network is fully functional, but now W3D has realized that the solution did not evaluate or document the required security configuration. The CEO has hired your team with orders to “review, evaluate, and document the enterprise security that is currently in place and make recommendations for future enhancements.” Requirements: > Evaluate the network design. > Provide a comprehensive detailed report on the status of W3D’s security architecture. > Explain your team’s recommended updates. Assumptions: 1. The company is broken into four functional areas, Design, Engineering, Marketing, and Business Management. 2. The hardware is a combination of real and virtual Intel-based servers utilizing Windows and Linux operating systems. 3. All three sites have a switched Ethernet LAN with a router connected to the Internet. Attached find the Network Diagram.

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