Design a SWOT analysis for the New York Jets and explain how the Jets would use each phase of the SWOT analysis to “game plan” for the current NFL season.

Instructions: • Answer five of the six essay questions provided to you below. Each question is worth 20 points. Read each question carefully before answering. Remember to FULLY EXPLAIN your answer and support your answer with research. 1. A SWOT analysis is very important to any sports organization. Design a SWOT analysis for the New York Jets and explain how the Jets would use each phase of the SWOT analysis to “game plan” for the current NFL season. Your SWOT analysis should cover the Jets organization on and off the field. 2. Describe in detail a new product concept that would meet your favorite sport’s unfilled consumer needs. Support your answer with cited resources. 3. You have just been hired as ticket sales manager for the Jacksonville Jaguars of the NFL. The Jaguars are coming off a terrible season and need help selling tickets for the upcoming season. How are you going to increase ticket sales? How will you use the escalator concept to help you accomplish this task? Support your answer with cited resources. 4. Consumers associate price with value. Assume you are the new marketing director of a franchise with a history of selling discount tickets. The new owners have mandated no more ticket discounting. Create a strategy to overcome negative consumer responses to the new policy. 5. Explain in detail the product life cycle of a sports product/organization invented/developed in the last fifteen years. Be specific with your answer and support your opinion of the various product life cycle stages with cited resources. 6. Explain the difference between a marketer’s view of “price” and a consumer’s view of “cost”. Develop a set of five ingredients for a “Consumer Cost Index” that could be used to compare costs in the sports industry segment of your marketing plan. Be sure to include “hidden” costs that typically influence consumer decisions. Include a justification for each ingredient and a projected average cost for each category. Requirements: • APA format • At least one (1) reference for each question.

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