Does acupuncture reduce the side effects of chemotherapy in breast cancer patients?

Research topic: Does acupuncture reduce the side effects of chemotherapy in breast cancer patients? USE:Quasi –Experimental Studies Involves an intervention but may lack randomization or a control group Intervention in the absence of randomization Example: Pretest and Posttest evaluation of groups that are non-equivalent groups because they were not randomly assigned to each group. The draft Theoretical Framework and Concept Map Assignment is 1–2 pages long. The explanation for the grading of this assignment is provided in the following paragraphs. The theoretical or conceptual framework refers to the perspective (paradigm) that guides your study. The theoretical or conceptual framework is the basic structure of the ideas to be tested in your research study. Additionally, the theoretical or conceptual framework provides the reader an understanding of why you chose your research questions, how your research questions will be answered in a particular way, and how you decided on a particular hypothesis. The theory should be clearly described. You must demonstrate how this framework applies to your research topic and define all the key terms. The theoretical or conceptual framework should be consistent with your specific aims (research questions) and research methods in order for you to collect the data. Grading Components: Content Select a theoretical or conceptual framework appropriate for your research topic. Provide the rationale for using this specific theoretical or conceptual framework. Demonstrate how the framework is relevant to your research topic. Explain how this theoretical or conceptual framework guides your research and determines what data variables (information) you will collect. The theoretical or conceptual framework should be consistent with the research questions. The theoretical or conceptual framework used should be specific and well-thought. Conceptual Model A conceptual model presents the relationship that exists between a set of connected concepts and ideas. The conceptual model displays how your mind perceives a particular topic. By constructing a conceptual model, you think about what you know (the hypothesis or probable outcomes of your research topic) and what you still need to find out (data variables and data collection). In a conceptual model, the concepts are usually represented by single words enclosed in a rectangular box and are connected to other concept boxes via arrows. Conceptual models are graphical tools used for organizing and representing knowledge. A conceptual model is a diagram that shows the relationship that exists between your theoretical framework and data collection. The conceptual model details how you will collect the data necessary to answer the specific aims in your research proposal. Grading Components: Content (1 Point) Concept model must be represented graphically. Concepts must be included with boxes and circles. Relationships between and among variables are shown by connecting lines to specific boxes. Information is necessary to address the specific aim. No references are needed in this section. Scholarly Writing (1 Point)

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