What assessment findings do you anticipate? What nursing interventions will you prepare for Would culture play a role in interventions?

An ER nurse has received a 91 yr old hispanic patient from a nearby LTAC facility. He has had cold like symptoms x2 days. This morning he work up with SOB and productive cough. Patient V/S upon admission are 152/92. HR 118; RR 38; Oc sats 88% on 1 L NC, and temperature is 100.9 oral. The ABG that was conducted at the LTAC facility prior to transport yielded the following results; pH 7.37, PaCO2 55.4 mmHG, PaO2 51.2 mmHG, HCO3 38 mEq/L. The patient is agitated and crying out ‘ I can’t go, I am not ready.”

What assessment findings do you anticipate? What nursing interventions will you prepare for Would culture play a role in interventions?

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