What does the Counselling Directory (2021) state that the person-centred approach can help the client to achieve?

1. In your own words, explain what a ‘theory’ and a ‘theorist’ is 150words 2. Explain why LoFrisco (2013) states that theories are important 150words 3. What is the humanistic approach to counselling based on? 250 word 4. Abraham Maslow’s (1943) hierarchy of needs is often depicted as a pyramid. Please describe this. 300 words 5. What does the Counselling Directory (2021) state that the person-centred approach can help the client to achieve? 200 words 6. Why does Casemore (2010) share the Person-Centred approach to counselling with clients?150 words 7. What is Phenomenology and how is it relevant to the Person-Centred approach to counselling? 200 words 8. Which guidelines does Mcleod (2015) suggest that Person-Centered therapists often follow? 200 words 9. What is meant by an individuals ‘self-concept’? 150 words Harvard referencing 2 on each question different

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