How can substance abuse treatment help the homeless?

This will be on your approved research topic from Proposal 1. You are writing about the issue and you are presenting solutions to the issue as a stance and argument about how to solve the problem.

You will select a rhetorical audience.

Who can make decisions about this issue? Are you addressing parents, the Governing Board, members of the Arizona Legislature, or the members of the U.S. Congress?
What do they need to know?
What type of evidence will persuade them?
You will consider opposing views in your essay. Who would not support your view? Consider their perspectives. Provide counterarguments to their objections.

Use rhetorical strategies such as pathos, ethos, and logos to convince your reader.

Examples of APA final papers are in MindTap.

Here is the link to the online handbook examples from Purdue OWL APA Research Paper

Our format will not include the author’s notes, keywords, or an abstract.

Important Reminders about the Proposal Argument
Submit your paper as ONE document only – NOT 4 separate documents
APA format cover page links to an external site.
updated outline
proposal argument
The paper should be 8 – 10 pages minimum. The narrative length will be 2000 words which is usually about six pages.
There are four instances in which your paper could be returned ungraded. They are:
Plagiarism: Any paper with plagiarized material in it will be returned ungraded, and you will receive a zero (0) for your final paper. No do-overs. No rewrites. If you disagree with any findings, be prepared to take up your argument with the Dean of Academic Affairs. “It was an accident” is not a valid argument. We spent many weeks learning how to cite sources correctly. If you make a mistake at this point, it’s like failing the test. You get the grade you earn.
Your topic doesn’t match the material created in your previous assignments.
Your paper doesn’t utilize any of the previous research and materials discovered during the course research process.
The paper does not reference at least six sources including a book, periodical article, scholarly journal article, reference source, and primary research.
Excessive errors: grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.

You have two options for the structure of the paper:

Option 1: Define the problem and suggest one solution. Develop the paper by explaining the solution in at least three points. For example:

The problem is the high school dropout rate.

The solution is to get the community involved by partnering with companies to offer technical training and/or internships, developing mentoring/tutoring programs with local organizations, and encouraging businesses to donate technology to the schools.

Option 2: Define the problem and suggest multiple solutions, at least three.

The problem is the high school dropout rate.

The solutions are to provide multiple pathways for graduation, enhance learning with internships and technical training with businesses, and develop mentoring/tutoring programs with local organizations.

Here is a basic template for both options:

Explain the problem: What is it? How and/or why did it come about? Why is it important? Why does it need to be fixed?
Your thesis statement: Revisit the problem and preview the solution/solutions you will propose in the paper.

Section 1: Option 1: State your solution’s first point.
Option 2: State the first solution

Explain this aspect of the solution or this first solution.
Develop the point with clear specific examples.
Support the point with the source material.
Introduce and cite the source accurately. Most likely, you will use more than one source.
Transition clearly to the next point.

Section 2: Option 1: State your solution’s second point.
Option 2: State the second solution.

Explain this aspect of the solution or this second solution.
Develop the point with clear specific examples.
Support the point with the source material.
Introduce and cite the source accurately. Most likely, you will use more than one source.
Transition clearly to the next point.

Section 3: Option 1: State your solution’s third point.
Option 2: State the third solution.

Explain this aspect of the solution or this third solution.
Develop the point with clear specific examples.
Support the point with the source material.
Introduce and cite the source accurately. Most likely, you will use more than one source.
Transition clearly to the next point.

Briefly summarize what you have written.
Revisit your thesis.
Explain the importance of addressing this problem and/or the negative effects of not addressing the problem.

Proposal Outline
I. Define Problem: The majority of homeless individuals struggle to achieve stability or reintegrate into society largely due to substance abuse. They often lack access to the necessary resources or financial means to effectively address and overcome their substance abuse issues.
A. State Problem: How might substance addiction treatments or rehabilitation benefit homeless people?
B. Show it is serious enough to need solving: Addressing homelessness is a complex issue that often requires a multifaceted approach. While temporary housing or shelter is a critical first step to providing immediate safety and stability, focusing on substance abuse is indeed another crucial aspect, especially because many individuals experiencing homelessness struggle with addiction. Many people experiencing homelessness have co-occurring disorders, including substance abuse and mental health issues. Effective treatment can break the cycle of addiction and help stabilize lives. Treating substance abuse can lead to long-term improvements, making it easier for individuals to maintain employment and housing. Individuals receiving treatment for addiction and mental health often experience significant improvements in their overall quality of life.

C. Analyze Problem: Addiction
1. Causes: Substance abuse, mental illness, and lack of affordable health care.
2. Consequences:
a. Addiction can lead to financial instability and strained relationships, contributing to homelessness.
b. untreated mental illnesses can significantly impact an individual’s ability to maintain employment, secure stable housing, and overcome substance abuse challenges
II. State Solution to the problem:
A. This proposed solution will solve the problem.
B. It is a feasible, while still difficult, way of solving the problem.
C. It stands up against anticipated questions and objections.
D. It is better than other ways of solving the problem.
III. Argument 1-Solve the Problem 1:
A. Increase funding for addiction treatment services, especially those tailored to the homeless population.
IV. Argument 1-Solve the Problem 2:
A. Promote programs that integrate substance abuse treatment with mental health services, healthcare, and housing support.
V. Argument 2- Feasibility 1: (means ability, legal, affordable).
A. Promote policies that reduce poverty and economic instability, which are underlying causes of both homelessness and substance abuse.
VI. Argument 3 – Objection 1:
A. Government bodies and stakeholders might be hesitant to approve or fund the proposal because of the high cost involved in addiction treatment and rehabilitation programs
B. There may be skepticism about the effectiveness and long-term outcomes of addiction treatment programs.
VII. Argument 4 – Better than other solutions:
A. Promote programs that integrate substance abuse treatment with mental health services, healthcare, and housing support.
B. Promote policies that reduce poverty and economic instability, which are underlying causes of both homelessness and substance abuse.
VIII. Conclusion
A. In my view, there are very important advantages associated with substance addiction treatments and rehabilitation programs that serve as a crucial link between homelessness and stability or wellness. Increasing funding for addiction treatment services can significantly aid homeless individuals in several critical ways
B. I perceive rehabilitation programs as more than just addiction treatment, consequently, my opinion is that they should be integrated with medical care, mental health services and comprehensive support systems to enable people recover sustainably
C. Promoting policies that reduce poverty and economic instability plays a crucial role in preventing homelessness and supporting those who are already homeless. To end homelessness as a result of these causes, access to mental health care and help for substance abuse should be improved. Through the provision of sufficient resources and support, such measures can stop individuals from becoming homeless while also assisting those who are already so in recovery and rehabilitation.

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