Green Marketing – Complete Draft of the work.

Hello. Create a complete draft of the thesis (Files Uploaded) in one word file in order to see it as a whole and also check the Turnitin percentage Check. The file should include the followings:• Contents Tables• Abstract Short (about 200 words) summary of your work• Introduction What you are doing and why – what question(s) you are asking (10%)• Literature Review Critical account of existing work 15 – 25%• Design/Methodology How you went about it & why you did it that way (10 – 15%)• Presentation of Results What you found (15 – 25%)• Discussion Critical analysis of what you found and how that fits with existing work and your questions (20 – 25 %• Conclusion and Evaluation How well your questions were answered, what you would do differently, what else you would do in the light of experience (10 -15%)• References Works directly mentioned in the text• Bibliography Work consulted but not directly referred to in text• Appendices

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