What elements of the intervention/setting/sample seem to influence the outcome?

‘m going to review the instructions for the synthesis and recommendations assignment.

Again, this first one is an individual assignment that will be building on your critical appraisal of the evidence, your article critiques, your evidence table that you’ve submitted, and now your synthesis and recommendations coming from those different steps. All of these steps and these completion notes will all also be utilized for your group submission, again, as all of them are being scaffolded. You’re getting practice doing this individually and you get to the group submission, you would have already had portions of this completed.

For the synthesis and recommendations, this is a very important part of the process, because it wants to take the evidence-based recommendations that you’ve synthesized from your critical appraisal and for your article critiques and see what your overall feeling is regarding that evidence. The template, again, will be provided that has all of the components that are in the rubric and that need to be completed. In addition, you’ll incorporate your evidence into your final group submission. The The Johns Hopkins synthesis and recommendation tool is a really good guide and has great instructions as you follow through.

Completion of the template will also coincide with completion of your rubric. Again, you have to make sure that you include your PICOT question, your evidence level and quality of rating, so you’ll record the overall quality rating, which you should’ve done in not only your evidence matrix, your evidence table, but also in your articles. If you look at your textbook, you also have information there as well as Appendix D has hierarchies of levels as well which are included in the course project overview. That appendix can also help you if you and your group are struggling with trying to figure out what the quality rating is or the hierarchy of evidence is for your article – there are multiple resources. Your synthesized findings are basically going to capture how can the evidence in each of the levels be organized to produce a more comprehensive understanding of the big picture? What themes do you notice? What elements of the intervention/setting/sample seem to influence the outcome? What are the important takeaways? You’ll do that for each article, then again, as you come together as a group, you’ll rate your evidence based on the hierarchy; so level 1 versus level 5, was the level 1 evidence consistent? Was the level 5 evidence not as high on the hierarchy, but was more consistent and gave you stronger evidence?

Again, you’ll have a place on the template that asks you about the consistency or inconsistency of the evidence. Where do you see those things in the articles that you’ve looked at? Do the studies tend to show the same conclusions or are there differences? It’s just as important if you don’t agree or if the studies don’t agree as if they do agree because that’s going to give you pertinent information regarding what your final best evidence recommendations should be. You’re just going to use succinct statements to distil the synthesized evidence into an answer to the EBP question. Can the recommendations, based on the evidence, be used to answer the EBP question, and what is the answer to the EBP question based on the evidence that you’ve found? You’ll also have an area of the body of evidence summary, which is going to be a check-off selection. You’ll use a template statement that best reflects the strength and congruence of the findings. Again, the template is available here.

Again, once you click on that template, you should also be able to access not only the template, but the instructions for each section and further detail. Summarize the EBP recommendations synthesized from your critical appraisal of the literature
Utilize the template provided in Canvas to complete your submission based on your 2 article review of the literature
Use the provided template in the resources section to review evidence (JH Appendix H)

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