How does the design address the program, problem, goal and/or challenges?

Create an article to cover the project from the portfolio. Cover the following topics in your article: • Give your article a title. • What is the project, exactly? o Give the project a name, if it doesn’t already have one. o Where is it located? o What is the scope? (Size, cost and/or other metrics such as units, beds, rooms, etc.) o Who is it for? (Who will own it and/or use it?) • What is the program, problem or goal of the project? • What are the specific challenges to be addressed? • What is the concept / parti / inspiration for the design? • How does the design address the program, problem, goal and/or challenges? • What sets this project apart, makes it unique, or makes it special? • Why should the reader care? This could be about almost anything. Why your firm? Why here? Why now? Why is it important? What does the future hold? Etc. OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of this assignment is to describe a project – its program, challenges, solution, and results – in WORDS. Images are allowed but should not be the primary focus of your article. Your article should be readily understood by non-architects – i.e., potential clients. You are striving for simple, clear, easily understood descriptions and ideas. NOTED: The grading sheet to be used in evaluating this Assignment is attached, please following this page.

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