Where have you seen anything that Bechdel describes in your own life?

The history of religion and health is complex -and Alison Bechdel does a really helpful job of telling that history. In this graphic novel, she details the ways health, exercise, eastern spiritualities, new thought, and ideas about nature have shifted over the decades of her life (from the 1960s through 2020s).
A quick note on how to read graphic novels: this may be a new format to you. And despite the pictures/images, it may take you just as long as a standard text. That’s because you don’t just read the words here; you have to take time to absorb the images.

To get into this material, do these things in this order:

Watch the introductory lecture from your professor.
Read the first half of Bechdel’s graphic novel (pages 1-124)
WA 7: As you read Bechdel, answer these reading questions (note that there are 3-4 per decade)
DQ 7: Where have you seen anything that Bechdel describes in your own life?
Complete and upload the attached worksheet

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