Discuss your hypothesis as it relates to your research findings.

Discuss your hypothesis as it relates to your research findings. Be sure to consider and address the following:
What was your null hypothesis?
Explain your analysis findings as a narrative.
Note that the Discussion is different from your Results section drafted in Milestone Four. Your writing in the Discussion will be a summary of the Results section. It shows the relationship between the null hypothesis and your findings.
Describe the strengths of your research. For instance, you may have used an existing, already vetted survey instrument. Or perhaps you did a good job following APA (American Psychological Association) research standards and guidelines.
Describe the limitations of your research. Consider such items as:

Participants in the sample
Data collection methods
Number of responses
Discuss areas related to your topic that need future research. For instance:
What did you discover from your analysis that needs further exploration (e.g., different populations, different variables, different demographics, etc.)?
What might new research designs do differently?
How could the limitations you mentioned be addressed in future research?

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