Describe a Consultancy Data-led Brochure.


This is a consultancy data-led brochure project (equivalent to a 1000-word dissertation project). All the instructions are in the attached assignment brief document.

This project has two parts. This is the second part. The first part was a presentation, and I will attach the presentation file so you can find some points and recommendations from the first part.

Firstly, I would like you to send me a research question for this project ASAP so I can get approval from my supervisor.

For secondary data, use a PESTLE and SWOT analysis table as an audit tool and Google reviews.

Please also include the topic of sustainability in the project.

Please include calculations, graphs, figures, etc.

Please use the attached material to support the assignment.

Please include the core text for reference: Newton, R. (2019) The Management Consultant: Mastering the Art of Consultancy. Second edition. Harlow, England: Pearson Education Limited.

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