Is it “frivolous and largely concerned with idle daydreams”?

Prepare for this activity by reading Netland, “Beauty, Meaning, and PowerLinks to an external site.” from Faith and Learning. After reading the above, respond to the following prompts: What do you think is the purpose of human imagination? Is it “frivolous and largely concerned with idle daydreams”? Or does it lead us to truth? Explain your answer in 1 paragraph. Choose 1 of the following poems or short stories and analyze it. In 1–2 paragraphs, describe the space that the author has created for the piece (fictional or historic time/place, or an economy of words and rhythms that communicate joy, harmony, dissonance, or pain). How does the space which the artist creates convey a certain meaning, belief, or worldview? Milosz, “Veni CreatorLinks to an external site.” Hughes, “HarlemLinks to an external site.” Arnold, “Dover BeachLinks to an external site.” van Dyke, “A Handful of ClayLinks to an external site.” Hardy, “HapLinks to an external site.” Hopkins, “God’s GrandeurLinks to an external site.” If you quote any of the readings, be sure to clearly indicate as much, using MLA-formatted citations.

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