Write A Systematic Literature Review: Exploring the Role of Instructional-based Leadership in Professional Development in an International Context.

Research Aims:Explore how a specific leadership approach or style, known as instructional leadership, influences the professional growth and development of teachers. Research Questions:RQ1 – What are the key instructional leadership practices that school leaders employ to promote teacher professional development?RQ2 – How do teachers perceive the impact of instructional leadership on their professional growth and development?RQ3 – What are the factors or conditions that mediate the effectiveness of instructional leadership in fostering teacher professional development? Possible theoretical framework:I am not a leadership expert, but I do believe the Transformational Leadership Theory by Bass and Avolio may be the most appropriate theoretical framework for this study. For this study exploring how instructional leadership influences teacher professional development, an appropriate theoretical framework could be the Transformational Leadership Theory by Bernard Bass and Bruce Avolio. The Transformational Leadership Theory posits that effective leaders inspire and motivate their followers to achieve beyond expectations by fostering a shared vision, providing intellectual stimulation, serving as role models, and considering individual needs and development. This theory aligns well with the research aim and questions focused on instructional leadership impact on teacher growth.

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