Do you believe that COVID-19 had any effect on gamification? Why or why not?

Please correct…. in red

please use the same word document that I attached Appendix D These questions are questionnaires for my dissertation The name of my dissertation is…… IMPLEMENTING GAMIFICATION INTO THE EARLY CHILDHOOD CLASSROOM Please correct…. and please put all corrections in red….

d) Appendix D:
i. Change Focused Groups to Focus Group Questions.
ii. Q2 does not make sense as written. Review and revise.
iii. End the last sentence in Q3 with a period.
iv. Revise Q4 to read: Do you believe that COVID-19 had any effect on gamification? Why or why not? (Note: If you want participants to explain what the effect was, add a question to ask for that.)
v. Q5 could be answered simply yes/no. If you want more information, revise this question or add a statement to ask for more information.

PS you are only doing edits and corrections from an instructor not writing from scratch

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