Prepare a 10-12 minute digital presentation in which you engage the music of one film of your choice (Any lord of the rings movie or Hobbit film).

Prepare a 10-12 minute digital presentation in which you engage the music of one film of your choice (Any lord of the rings movie or Hobbit film). *Please provide a script for me to read from answering the questions below. 1. Brief Film Synopsis/Media Introduction (1 minute max) * One slide • Your synopsis should be concise while profiling the characters and narrative events that are most relevant to your discussion • Make judicious decisions regarding what to include (and what to leave out!) 2. A Clearly Stated Central Claim *One Slide • What are the critical observations you have made through the process of description and interpretation? What is an intriguing conclusion of your investigation, and how can you state it concisely? • In other words, you should arrive at your thesis after engaging your selected film through the processes we have practiced this semester o Completion of a cue sheet will direct you toward narrative insights, character growth, and similarities and differences between musical cues as the film progresses o More thorough 1-2 paragraph analyses will lead you to deeper insights and ultimately provide the body of your argument in support your central claim (see below) 3. Analysis of 1-3 Cues (7-10 minutes) *2 Cues = 4 Slides (One slide showing the clip for each Cue and One slide answering the questions below) • This is the body of your presentation; your analysis of each cue provides the supporting examples for the central claim of your presentation • Be sure to practice the process of scene and musical description, from which you derive interpretive meaning, and make sure your description briefly situates each scene you are profiling within the larger narrative • Incorporation of audio or audio-visual clips is expected o No more than three clips should be shown o Clips should last no longer than 30 seconds in duration o Each clip should be justified as part of the presentation through an appropriate degree of description and analysis. Don’t let a clip speak for itself! 4. Brief Conclusion (30 seconds max) *One Slide • In a sentence or two, restate the central claim and objectives of your presentation

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