What would you recommend that AtWill do to adress the company’s concerns?

Frank is an employee at AtWill Corporation. AtWill employs 75 employees in its plant. Frank is a forklift operator. Over the past several weeks Frank’s supervisor, Sam, has observed Frank sleeping during staff meetings and is concerned for Frank’s safety and the safety of the other employees at the plant. Sam approaches Frank and expresses these concerns. Frank says that he will see a doctor. Sam places Frank on leave pending his doctor’s response. AtWill has an unlimited PTO policy. Frank’s physician writes a doctor’s note that Frank is clear for duty and can resume working immediately. AtWill is still very concerned that Frank may have narcolepsy or some other health condition. QuestionsUtilizing what you learned the current module, please explain how your response changes from last module’s discussion board. What would you recommend that AtWill do to adress the company’s concerns?Based on the fact pattern, discuss any other issues you perceive, and suggestions you have for AtWill for addressing these issues.

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