When thinking about Psychology, as a scientific discipline and helping field, why is it important to understand research strategies and conclusions?

Please completely answer all of the following bullets. (A well written focused solid paragraph for each bullet should be enough, but feel free to write more as needed. and make sure all aspects of the prompts are addressed):
• Share at least two concepts or facts from the first two textbook modules that resonated or appealed to you. And why? Be sure to reference the text (and, while you do not need to seek out additional sources, other material if used).
• When thinking about Psychology, as a scientific discipline and helping field, why is it important to understand research strategies and conclusions? What roles do critical thinking and bias (or systematic errors in thinking) play? (Use the text to help inform your post).
• For complete credit, you must also reply to a fellow student with a substantial post (at least 3 complete sentences that are additive and not just “I agree/disagree” or “good job.”) before the due date. (While you are welcome to write “I liked your post,” it will not go towards the points.
However, something along the lines of “I liked your post because of these reasons xyz and it fits with abc…” would.)
Be sure to reference your material. (Even if it is the textbook). While you do not need to seek out resources outside of the class, if you do – reference them! Otherwise it is plagiarism!

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