Reflect on one legal, moral and ethical aspect of clinical practice relevant to your Field of practice and discuss the research evidence applied to this guidance.

Describe legal, ethical and moral concepts in nursing and apply to professional practice, patient safety, and public protection.Identify and discuss contemporary NHS policies, guidelines, and clinical governance processes and their application in practice in delivering high quality care for patients and the public.Outline different research methods and identify application of evidenced based practice in delivering person centred safe and compassionate care.Suggested Essay Format• Introduction This sets the scene and should simply spell out the reason for the use of the Gibbs reflective model and what the learning outcomes entail. Ie this essay will address….be based around a scenario and then will use the Gibbs reflective modelPlease note that the Gibbs reflective model reference needs including in your reference list• In order to enable you to demonstrate your knowledge you will choose a scenario to reflect on from your time as a student nurse. You will describe the key facts. Keep this to only key facts as this will enable you to discuss the points throughout your essay. Please note that if you choose a name instead of MRS Bloggs this will then allow you to reduce words and you will have one word.• Feelings• Evaluation• Analysis• Conclusion • Action Plan Lo3 – asks you to consider moral concepts in nursing and apply to professional practice, patient safety, and public protection. In this section you could consider your scenario and why you are reflecting on this and then relate this to your own moral code.Take a moment to consider- What were you feeling about the situation?- Why are you reflecting on this situation?- What did you think at the time and after does this differ?- What were other people thinking?- How does this relate to your own morals, thoughts, believers are your thoughts the same as the other people involved? The patient? Staff? Others?- What are the thoughts about the situation now?In the previous section you should have discussed what morals are you are now going to link this to LO3 – Legal (what legal implications – relating to theory are linked to the scenario)- ethical concepts (Beneficence, Non-maleficence, Autonomy and Justice)-Consider the impacts for the patient in relation to compassionate and person-centred care (LO5)- relate both above to the scenario (make sure that you mention the code) and how this relates back to professional practice/patient safety and public protection. Your Analysis section should show a consideration for the scenario. – Define using an academic source what is a policy and a guideline- Relate your scenario to contemporary NHS policies and guidelines spell out why they are relevant to your scenario.- Define here clinical governance. You can discuss the benefits for the patient and relate this to your scenario.

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