Analyze financial and economic issues in the health care industry.

Exam Content As a health care manager, you must be able to analyze financial and economic issues in the health care industry. In this summative assessment, you will demonstrate problem-solving skills. Scenario Imagine you are a health care manager at a hospital and you are preparing a report for your CFO in which you analyze current issues in health care (e.g., nursing shortages, supply-chain disruption, and telehealth use) and address the financial impact of these issues on your hospital. Preparation Select 1 of the following current financial issues that the health care industry faces today to use for this summative assessment: nursing shortages, supply-chain disruption, or telehealth use. Access the Week 2 University Library and read 1 of the following articles from the Summative Assessment: Problem-Solving Analysis Report section that corresponds to the current financial issue you selected: Nursing shortage: “As COVID-19 Worsens Nursing Shortage, Madison Hospitals, Schools Step Up” Supply-chain disruption: “Inflation Rattles Hospital Supply Chain and Labor Pool with no End in Sight” Telehealth use: “Telehealth Grows, but Medicare Has Woes” In accordance with the University of Phoenix Policy on Academic Integrity, included in Academic Policies & Procedures, if you used an artificial intelligence (AI) tool when preparing this assignment, include a statement that describes that use and remember: 1) the majority of assignment must be your own writing; 2) content generated by the AI tool must be cited; and 3) you must verify the accuracy of the content generated by the AI tool. Assessment Deliverable Write a 700- to 1,050-word report about the financial issue you selected in which you: Analyze the financial impact of your selected financial issue on the health care industry. Explain what the supply and demand challenges are for health care services in terms of personnel, supplies, or technology. Describe how regulatory issues are affecting, or will affect, the health care industry in the areas of personnel, supplies, and technology. Describe at least 1 strategy to improve the selected financial issue. Discuss what you believe would be the outcome of these recommendations, if implemented. Cite sources to support your report. Format your report according to APA guidelines. Submit your assessment. ***Here is an APA template specific for this assignment that may help. I’ve shared my two cents worth to help guide you as you tackle this assignment. (No reinventing the wheel). APA_Paper_Template_Specifically for Week 2 Assignment.doc

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