Observation #4 – Using the DRDP-2015 Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) – CA Assessment Tool.

For this observation, you will practice using the DRDP (Infant/Toddler, Preschool-2015, or School Age) the State of California’s child assessment tool which aligns with the CA Infant/Toddler and Preschool Learning Foundations.

Before you go to your site:
Choose a child you will report on (you can pick someone when you arrive). Since you are creating an assessment report, even if not real, it helps if you report on one child (think of the purpose being to prepare for a parent conference). Choose 5 DRDP measures to report on for this child. You may choose only measures that are full continuum measures, which means they describe development from early infancy to early kindergarten and give a full range of rating options on the DRDP rating sheets from “responding” to “integrating” (see page 3 of the Preschool DRDP introduction for a more detailed descriiption).

If you don’t know the children but know the schedule for the day in the classroom where you will observe, then you might select your 5 measures based on the type of play you might observe. If it is during outdoor playtime, select a category around gross motor skills or social and emotional development. If it will be music or story time, select from the visual arts or literacy, and so on…

You will use anecdotal records and information from a non-narrative tool as appropriate. Be sure the tools you select or create align with the DRDP measures you selected. Be aware that some work better than others depending on the measure and the information you are trying to capture. Non-narrative tools include checklists, time samples, work samples, photos, or frequency charts.
The Observation: Observe the child for about 3 hours documenting with anecdotal records and additional non-narrative observational tools you chose for this observation. Gather data by observing the child in various experiences – free choice, group time, and indoor and outdoor play.

Writing Your Report:
The 5 Measures, Rating Sheets, and Anecdotal Records: Provide the 5 measure pages you have selected and mark the rating directly on the page. Base your choice for developmental level on the evidence you have collected through your documentation. For this assignment, you will use only one observation day/time as the basis of your assessment for each measure you choose. Typically, teachers break this up across months of observation, so you will not need to complete the full DRDP, only the 5 measures. Use a blue or black pen to select your ratings on each of the 5 measure pages. Provide a supporting anecdotal record and data from a second anecdotal record or a second non-narrative tool, for each measure you have selected. Be sure to identify which measure each anecdotal record or documentation tool supports. Refer to the practice format from the lecture and resources

Analysis of Your Data: Write a one-page summary of your child’s development including discussion for each area you have chosen to document. For each measure, share the child’s strengths (what they can do) and then write one thing you will do to support their growth toward the next level of skill development, based on observations data.
Ways to support the child should include:
Materials you will provide,
Changes in the environment, and
Ways that you will support the child’s learning, growth, and development through one-to-one interactions.

Family Conference Report: Write a minimum one-page report to give to the child’s family at your conference. You are writing this report directly to the family so consider language that is personable, professional, and not overly technical since the DRDP is not something they are typically familiar with. You will also want to write your report in a way that focuses on their child, not on formal assessment (avoid using technical terms or DRDP measure names). Note that conferences are typically about 15-20 minutes long and you will not have time to teach them all about the DRDP. Use this report to highlight the child’s developmental strengths and areas they are working on, and how you will support their child as the year continues.

In the family conference report include the following:
● Describe at least two strengths you observed about their child for the DRDP measures selected.
● Ask the family two questions that can help you get to know their child better and that might help you gather more information for chosen DRDP measures. The family will be able to share about their child at home and help enlighten you to learn more about their child’s development and home culture/behavior.
● Share two strategies you will use in the classroom to support their child’s learning and suggest things their family could do at home so that you are working together to support their child’s growth and development. The goal is to provide an opportunity for you to work collaboratively with the family to support the child’s learning at school and home.

Reflection: Write a ½ page reflection on this experience. Your reflection must be typed and address the following questions:
● Why did you choose the measures you did and how did you decide on the developmental level selected for each measure? (Describe your process)
● What were the easiest and hardest parts of using the DRDP and completing this assessment?
● While completing this assessment, what did you learn about the benefits and uses of assessment to promote positive outcomes for children? Be specific.
● How can partnerships with families and other professionals help build an effective learning environment for children?

Detailed Submission Format:
Child/Observation Information (cover sheet)
A list of the 5 DRDP measures that you selected
Then gather everything by DRDP measure:
Copy of measure 1 with the rating selected
Anecdotal Records for Measure 1
Second anecdotal record or a non-narrative observation tool selected to collect data for this measure (this might be a different type of tool for each measure depending on data that needs to be collected)
Copy of measure 2 with the rating selected
Anecdotal Records for Measure 2
Second anecdotal record or a non-narrative observation tool selected to collect data for this measure
Copy of measure 3 with the rating selected and so on… for measures 3, 4, and 5

Analysis of the data- 1 page

Family Conference Report- 1 page

Final Reflection- ½ page

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