Explain if you have homogeneity of variance and how you determined that finding.

Part I: SPSS Output Download the following dataset: PA5 and PA6dataset.sav Some students gain weight during their first year of college. A nutritionist wonders if this is due to the type of food served in the campus dining hall. They compared the number of pounds gained during the academic year from 10 randomly selected first-year students in each of three groups: 1) lives and eats at home, 2) lives on campus and eats in the dining hall, and 3) lives in an apartment and eats off campus. You are interested in knowing if there was a difference in weight gained (GAIN) among the three groups of students (GROUP), if there is a difference in weight gain based on GENDER, and if there is an interaction effect between GROUP and GENDER. There are three variables in the dataset: GAIN = weight gained/lost in poundsGROUP = group categories, where 1 = lives and eats at home, 2 = lives on campus and eats in the dining hall, 3 = lives in an apartment and eats off campusGENDER = self-reported gender, where 1 = female and 2 = maleUsing SPSS, complete the following: Compute descriptive statistics of mean, median, mode, and standard deviation for GAIN.Compute percentages for GENDER.Using an alpha = .05, run a Factorial ANOVA. Part II: Written Results In a 1-2-page paper using APA formatting, describe your results by identifying the following:

Describe the independent and dependent variables.State the null hypotheses (there will be three).Explain if you have homogeneity of variance and how you determined that finding.Describe your results of the Factorial ANOVA.Examine your post hoc analysis. Describe if there is a statistically significant difference between groups. Describe any interaction effects.Describe at least one limitation and one conclusion you can draw from the results.Create appropriate tables using APA 7 to display this data.Save and submit this document as LASTNAME_PA6_Results.

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