Is the leadership experienced, or maybe there is an interim manager new to the organization?

This is an individual assignment. Use the SWOT methodology to review Information Technology in your work area (department or unit) or a clinical site. SWOT stands for:
Opportunities, and
Prepare a brief written assessment approximately two (2) pages in length not counting the cover sheet, reference list, or appendix. APA formatting and scholarly tone should be used throughout. Diagrams or charts are not counted in the two page limit and should be labeled and placed in an appendix after the reference list.

). You should start the paper by describing what a SWOT analysis is and why it is usually done.
In the first section when you are describing the technology – make sure to include descriiption of (1) software (2) hardware (3) networks (4) operations and (5) employee skill set. Points will be deducted per the grading rubric if all of these elements are not addressed. You may want to start small focusing on a unit or area of a hospital that you are familiar with versus an entire health system unless you are well versed on the entire organization.
When you are discussing strengths and weaknesses, it should talk about all the same 5 areas identified above, not just the EHR. Strengths and weaknesses are considered INTERNAL factors that could provide an organization benefits or challenges against other competition. Maybe the unit has outdated computers that are slow and freeze. Maybe the unit does not have enough computers for patient load. Maybe the wifi does not work in all areas, or maybe it does and is an asset. Are there strengths to the operations on the unit? Is the leadership experienced, or maybe there is an interim manager new to the organization? Maybe it is hard to get education out to staff? Finally – what are the employee skills – experienced staff or new nurses? Strong technologically, or no? These impact the overall ability for a unit/organization to operate efficiently.
Your opportunities discussion should be suggestions to remedy two of the weaknesses you identified in the strengths/weaknesses discussion. These should include what 2 technological solutions could improve the weaknesses noted, specifically to assist in improving quality of care, patient safety, or patient outcomes.
Threats are external and are negative to the organization – and you cannot really stop them from occurring. Examples include security threats, challenges in the current healthcare environment across the US – such as staffing shortages, etc. It usually includes some kind of mention to the competition in the area – who are an organization’s biggest competitors and how this may impact the organization.

Part of the grading rubric includes creating a SWOT diagram or chart that briefly summarizes the above items (see Module 9 for an example). There may be other SWOT diagram templates available on the internet to use as examples. Include your SWOT diagram in the appendix.
You are not limited to a set page length. What’s more important is that you meet the grading criteria. Also – follow APA formatting so you don’t lose any points there. Take a few minutes to review the sample paper online at the following site (student version) to easily check how your formatting should look: APA Sample Paper // Purdue Writing Lab

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