Identify and implement evidence-based approaches to enhancing healthcare quality and safety.

Learning Outcomes This assignment tests whether you have achieved the following learning outcomes, by demonstrating you are able to: • Identify and implement evidence-based approaches to enhancing healthcare quality and safety. • Convey complex information effectively and accurately, integrating references to supporting literature. Essay Title Assignment 1 (Part A): Commentary on a Primary Research Paper Linked to Healthcare Quality Assignment Brief In this part of the assignment, you are required to write a critical analysis of a primary research paper. This assignment focuses on the academic skills of finding appropriate literature and analysing research to meet Level 7 criteria. You will need to search appropriate databases (using your access to the University of Hull library), to find a primary research paper that focuses on healthcare quality. You can use your own clinical or organisational interests as a base, just be sure to relate them to quality improvement issues. ________________________________________ Requirements: The assignment is structured in five sections, each of slightly different approximate word lengths, with a maximum total word length of 2,500 words: Introduction and research design (200 words approx): This should briefly describe the research design of your chosen paper and comments about how this promotes healthcare quality or quality improvement. You may need to reference other related literature. ________________________________________ 2. The research question / aims of the research (400 words approx): Comment on the research question, its appropriateness and how the author(s) breaks down the enquiry into clear aims and objectives, which can be addressed or answered at the end of the process. ________________________________________ 3. Relationship to other literature (500 words approx): • How does this research sit alongside other research in this field of study? • Does this research address a gap in knowledge? • How well does the author(s) of the paper analyse the literature they have chosen?

________________________________________ 4. Methodological discussion (500 words approx): • How clear is the methodological approach chosen and how well described is it? • Do you think you could replicate this study? • Is the chosen methodology appropriate and does this link to the methods chosen? • Have they addressed ethical implications? ________________________________________ 5. Presentation of data, analysis and conclusion (900 words approx): This is the main part of your discussion. You need to show your ability to critique the paper’s discussion and main argument, which involves drawing on other academic or research papers: How well is the data presented and analysed? You need to show the strengths and weaknesses of the paper’s results and how these apply to the concept of healthcare quality and / or quality improvement. Grade Descriptors Guidance Allocation of Marks Research Design 5/100 Research Question 15/100 Literature Review 25/100 Methodological Discussion 25/100 Data and Analysis 30/100 Total 100 marks available Additional Guidance For this assignment you need to be able to search academic databases and refine your search to select relevant material from the large number of results you get. You will need to refine your terms until you get a list of papers you can review by reading the abstracts, before you choose the paper you want to write about. The University Library team has created a useful set of webpages on Finding Books and Journals, which you should make use of. In addition to covering the key points outlined above, ensure the work is written clearly and coherently. It is important to make use of the University’s Skills Team, if you are in any doubt about your writing or presentation skills. The mark awarded will be based on how your work is assessed against the Level 7 marking criteria, available here Download here. Critical Thinking and Writing Remember to think critically about the language used in the work you read. As in any piece of critical writing, you need to ensure you use credible academic sources. Remember to utilise primary research to inform your commentary – we would like you to consider and explore a range of alternative perspectives. Critical writing requires you to evaluate and make judgements about the evidence you review; to step back and not take things at face value. Being critical does not simply mean criticising in a negative way. Instead, it requires you to question the text, and present your judgement or evaluation of it reasonably. Please Note Please carefully read the University guidelines on how to present and submit an assignment. It is important you reference using the Harvard system and follow the correct presentation guidelines – the full guide to Harvard referencing can be found in the Student Hub. • Submit work in Calibri, 12pt with 1.5 line spacing. • Insert a covering page with your student number, assignment title and word count. • Avoid use of direct quotes – these can eat into your word count and generally are just offering a description or definition, whereas you need to present analysis and synthesis. • Word count for assignments includes everything you have written, excluding the reference list. • If you use acronyms, ensure the first use of each one also provides an initial explanation, for example, World Health Organisation (WHO). • Proofread your work carefully before submission, to ensure clarity and consistency. • Ensure you pay close attention to these assignment guidelines, answering what has been asked of you and checking you are meeting the learning outcomes for the module – marks can easily be lost, particularly with incorrect referencing. Word Count 2,500 words Submit your assignment electronically via Canvas in Word doc or PDF format. When you receive your mark, please review the feedback available on Canvas. This will take the form of an attached feedback sheet (the template for which can be found here Download here) and annotations within your submission. Note: all grades are provisional until approved by the University examination board, after which, your final grade appears on your transcript of results.

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