Health and Medicine: Discuss the strengths and limitations of the study design employed .

Grading Rubric for Annotated Bibliography Component Description Points Cover Page Include the title of your project, your name, and the date Quantity of articles 3 peer-reviewed journal articles (not websites) Individual Summaries Begin each article summary with its bibliographic reference. For each article you summarize, state: 1) The article’s relevance to your research topic 2) the study design, 3) who were the participants (age, race, sex) 4) how participants were selected, 5) how the study was conducted, 6) the main conclusions of the study 7) the strengths and limitations of the study design employed Overall Summary Tell the reader how the articles bear on our research question. Collectively, do they support an association between exposure and outcome? References Reference Format: AMA style Pay attention to: Capitalization in journal article title Display of complete page numbers Punctuation Listing of the correct number of authors in the correct format Overall Double-spaced. Well written, clear, minimal misspellings or grammatical errors. Late Penalty 5 points will be deducted for late submissions in separate pages, place at the top the bibliographic reference for your article you are summarizing (Each summary should be on a separate page). Then use the following headings: Relevance Study Design Participants Participant Selection How Study Was Conducted Study Conclusions Strengths of Study Design Employed Limitations of Study Design Employed At the end of your paper, use the following heading: Overall Conclusions Tell the reader how the articles collectively bear on your research question. Do they support a positive association, or not

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