Write a paper Exploring the Mental Health Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Different Demographic Groups in the UK and Evaluating the Role of Teletherapy and Online Support Groups in Reducing Anxiety and Depression Symptoms.

Please write a research proposal based on the instructions below. Please use a systematic review approach. I have attached rough guideline notes. Please include the other Review the scientific literature on a contemporary global health issue and design an appropriate research study to investigate it within the UK. You should include the following and demonstrate achievement of the module learning outcomes in addressing the task: 1. Summary and aims (including description of the chosen global health issue)2. Background and rationale (including a literature review), approx. 1250 words.3. Design and methodological approach (including ethical considerations), approx. 1000 words.4. Expected outcomes and/or impact.5. Timeframes (a table may be used)

It looks at how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the mental health of different groups of people in the UK. It also examines how well teletherapy and online support groups have helped to lower anxiety and improve mental well-being during this difficult time.

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